Curated for the Inquisitive Mind

Real Estate

10 Things every landlord wishes tenants knew

The job of being a tenant should be simple, but as with all things that involve human beings, it often isn’t.

If every tenant knew these ten things, life would be a little happier for everyone.

1. Paying rent on time is very important 

This isn’t because landlords are greedy – it’s because landlords rely on that rental return to pay the mortgage, and the expenses and make the necessary repairs to keep the property great for their tenants to live in.

2. If tenants can’t pay, landlords would rather they be honest about it

We all hit hard times, and it’s far better for tenants to come clean and speak to their landlord if finances are an issue.

If landlords evict their tenants they risk a vacancy period and all the costs associated with new tenants, so it’s also in their best interest to find an amicable solution.

3. If you want to make changes to the property, just ask first 

‘Do it now, ask later’ doesn’t really work when we’re talking about assets worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Many landlords would be happy to accommodate artwork being hung up, block-out curtains being installed, or extra towel racks in the bathroom.

4. Sometimes things happen that are out of the landlord’s control 

There isn’t a property on the planet that hasn’t had something go wrong at some point.

No one can predict a hailstorm that damages the roof, or the neighbours tree roots eating into the pipes.

The trick is to work together to resolve the issues – the landlord should act quickly, and the tenant should be patient and allow access when needed.

5. Everyone is an adult, so use adult voices 

A tenant losing their cool about a malfunctioning garage door won’t encourage their landlord to fix it faster.

Polite language and open lines of communication will garner far better results.

6.  If something is broken, tell us why


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