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4 tricks to help us fall asleep after a panic attack

Published on Feb 18, 2024 01:44 PM IST

  • From the military method to picturing a happy place, here are four tricks to have a better sleep after a panic attack.


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Published on Feb 18, 2024 01:44 PM IST

When we have a panic attack or severe anxious thoughts, it can be very difficult to fall asleep. We constantly keep overthinking and making ourselves spiral through our thoughts and become more anxious. This can lead to irregular sleep patterns or chaotic routines. In order to stop spiraling, there are a few tricks that can help us fall asleep. Therapist Alison Seponara shared the tricks.(Unsplash)


Military method: In this method, we need to start by relaxing the face, mouth, shoulders, chest, legs, thighs, calves and clear the mind by thinking of a happy place. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 18, 2024 01:44 PM IST

Military method: In this method, we need to start by relaxing the face, mouth, shoulders, chest, legs, thighs, calves and clear the mind by thinking of a happy place. (Unsplash)


Progressive Muscle Relaxation: In this technique, a person needs to start stretching every muscle of the body for a few seconds and hold them, till they are relaxed. Even if we are not done relaxing every part of the body, we should allow ourselves to fall asleep. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 18, 2024 01:44 PM IST

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: In this technique, a person needs to start stretching every muscle of the body for a few seconds and hold them, till they are relaxed. Even if we are not done relaxing every part of the body, we should allow ourselves to fall asleep. (Unsplash)


Picture a happy place: Each person has a happy place that they think of. We should delve deeper into that happy place and try to figure out specific details. This will help us to be more distracted from anxious thoughts and relax ourselves. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 18, 2024 01:44 PM IST

Picture a happy place: Each person has a happy place that they think of. We should delve deeper into that happy place and try to figure out specific details. This will help us to be more distracted from anxious thoughts and relax ourselves. (Unsplash)


Better sleep hygiene: In order to prepare the room, we should adjust the temperature, keep the lights dim and keep all kinds of electronics away from us. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 18, 2024 01:44 PM IST

Better sleep hygiene: In order to prepare the room, we should adjust the temperature, keep the lights dim and keep all kinds of electronics away from us. (Unsplash)


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