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History of 26th January

Republic Day in India is an annual celebration that marks the adoption of the Constitution of India on January 26, 1950. This day is observed with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor throughout the country. Republic Day 2024 holds special significance as it commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Indian Republic, a momentous occasion in the nation’s history.

History of 26th January

The significance of January 26 in India’s history goes beyond the mere adoption of the Constitution in 1950. This date has roots in the pre-independence era when the Indian National Congress, during its session in Lahore in 1929, declared the observance of January 26, 1930, as Purna Swaraj Day or the day of total independence. This proclamation laid the foundation for the eventual celebration of Republic Day.

Purna Swaraj Day – January 26, 1930:

During the 1929 Lahore session, the Indian National Congress, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, passed a resolution for complete independence, known as Purna Swaraj. January 26, 1930, was chosen as the day to assert India’s demand for self-rule. This symbolic act set the stage for a unified struggle for independence and planted the seed for future celebrations on the same date.

Republic Day, The Journey From Independence to Constitution

Constituent Assembly’s Inception (December 9, 1946):

The Constituent Assembly, tasked with drafting the Constitution of India, held its first session on December 9, 1946. It was attended by 207 members, including nine women. Initially comprising 389 members, the assembly’s strength reduced to 299 after independence and the partition of the country on August 15, 1947.

Drafting Committee and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Leadership:

The Drafting Committee, led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, played a pivotal role in shaping the Constitution. Among the more than 17 committees of the Constituent Assembly, the Drafting Committee was responsible for preparing a comprehensive draft for India. Through extensive debates and deliberations, the committee streamlined the constitution by eliminating approximately 2,400 amendments out of nearly 7,600 proposed.

Adoption of the Constitution (November 26, 1949):

The last session of the Constituent Assembly concluded on November 26, 1949, when the Constitution was officially adopted. However, the enforcement was delayed until January 26, 1950, to commemorate the historical significance of the day.

January 26, 1950, the Birth of the Republic India

On this day, the Constitution of India came into effect after the signatures of 284 members were affixed to the document. The choice of January 26 for the commencement of the Republic was a tribute to the Purna Swaraj declaration of 1930. It symbolized the journey from colonial rule to a sovereign, democratic, and republican nation.

Important Questions Related to Exams

Q1. What event occurred during the 1929 Lahore session of the Indian National Congress that eventually led to the celebration of Republic Day?
Q2. Who led the Drafting Committee responsible for shaping the Constitution of India?
Q3. What was the significance of January 26, 1950, in Indian history?
Q4. How many members initially comprised the Constituent Assembly, and what was the final count after independence?
Q5. Why was the enforcement of the Constitution delayed until January 26, 1950?
Q6. Who chaired the first session of the Constituent Assembly, and when did it commence?

Check your knowledge and try to answer these questions in the comment section.


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