Curated for the Inquisitive Mind

Real Estate

How does the location of your house drive your investment strategy?

The location of your “great Australian dream” can dramatically alter your wealth-building activities and as such, you must take this into account when developing your investment strategy.

Homes are typically not purchased with the sole or dominant reason of building wealth as there are many non-financial, lifestyle factors that influence where we live.

However, that is not to say that the decisions you make will not have any impact on your investments.

In this blog, I will discuss how the location of your home can impact your ability to meet your retirement goals.

The size of your home loan and your cash flow

Many clients wonder if they should repay their home loan in full before they start investing.

If not, how much should your home loan be before it’s prudent to start investing?

The answer to this question depends on many factors: 

The location and type of home – what do you expect your home to be worth in 10 years?

Or 20 years? If your home is an investment-grade property, your home loan will become immaterial over time, even if you do not repay one cent.

I will demonstrate this using an example. William’s home is currently worth $1 million and his home loan is $700,000.

If William’s home appreciates in value by 8% p.a., it will be worth $4.66 million in 20 years.

If the home loan balance is still $700,000, the loan to value ratio (LVR) will be a conservative 15%.

After taking into account inflation, $4.66 million in 20 years is equivalent to $2.58 million today.

And inflation will eat away at William’s home loan too – $700,000 today is equivalent to $390,000 in 20 years.

If William’s home was worth $2.58 million today with a home loan balance of $390,000, how important do you think it is for him to repay his home loan and delay investing?

If William doesn’t plan on retiring for say 20 years and his home is well-located, then repaying his home loan is not that important. Starting investing is more important.

Conversely, however, if you do not expect your home to enjoy a lot of capital growth then repaying your home loan becomes more important.

Size of your home loan and cash flow

Another factor to consider is your interest rate exposure.

Is your home loan so large that you are more exposed to interest rate movements?

That is, someone with a $2 million home loan will be more susceptible to interest rate movements.

Principal and interest repayments on a $2 million home loan will be approximately $129,000 p.a. today.

However, if interest rates rise to say 8% (like they were in early 2008), the repayments will increase to $176,000 p.a. – an extra $46,000 p.a. after-tax.

That is a lot of money to “find”.

Therefore it would be important for this person to reduce their home loan balance before they begin investing.

The same is true for your LVR too.

If you do not have a lot of equity in your home (say you have borrowed 95%) then you should spend a bit of time repaying your home loan and consequently building equity before you invest.

Other investment assets

Do you already have investment assets and a healthy super balance? farm seed soil grow wealth money coin

If so, repaying your home loan could be a good priority.

However, if you don’t have any investment assets then you need to start investing as soon as possible so that you can benefit from the power of compounding growth – it rewards those that start early.

The table below sets out how an investor is rewarded for a time in the market.

For example, in the first 5 years, the property increases in value by $235,000.

However, between years 20 and 25, the property’s value increases by over $1 million – four times more than in the first 5 years.

Albert Einstein is credited for saying:

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.”

That is why it is important to start investing as soon as practical.


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