Curated for the Inquisitive Mind

Legal Law

Juris Femme- Reframe the Reality by UPJRC-WICCI [April 21]

Uttar Pradesh Judicial Reform Council, WICCI is organising a competition namely Juris Femme- Reframe the Reality on April 21.


The Uttar Pradesh Judicial Reforms Council is a non-profit organisation working under the aegis of the National Judicial Reforms Council, WICCI. Established in March 2023, our council is committed to identifying and addressing gaps in the judicial system, with a focus on expediting the delivery of justice.

We are a women-led organisation working with the objective to bring judicial reforms to the existing Indian Judicial System. The idea behind setting up of the council was the upliftment of the deprived sections of the society with the help of legal reforms. We aim to monitor the implementation of laws, advocate for economic equality among all, promotion of fair and just practices and realization of potential of all.

Key Details

  • TITLE – Juris Femme: Reframe the Reality
  • DATE – 21 st April 2024, Sunday
  • TIME – 12:00 p.m. onwards
  • THEME – Women-related laws
  • MODE – online

Structure of the Competition

  • The participants will be called upon to present their ideas for amendment in legislations.
  • The amendments shall be pertaining to laws relating to women.
  • Only individual participation is allowed.
  • Each participant will be given 5 minutes to present their ideas and answer the questions put forth by the judges.
  • Participants may present their ideas through a PowerPoint presentation.
  • The participants will be marked on two factors:
    • Knowledge of Law
    • Creativity and Innovation in the idea presented.

Rules & Regulation

  • The participants need to adhere to the time allotted.
  • The participants will be required to be formally dressed.
  • The participants will have to have their cameras switched on throughout the event.
  • The participants must ensure proper network bandwidth on their end.
  • The decision of the judges shall be binding.
  • The proposed amendments shall not be offensive or derogatory to any community, caste or section of the society.

How to Register?

Interested candidates can register via the link given at the end of the post.


For queries and further information, reach out to the following

  • Kashish Khanna – +91 97529 74899
  • Diya Vinekar – +91 99000 92248

Click here to register.


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