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Real Estate

Navigating Australia’s two-faced property market: insights from John McGrath

In the dynamic world of Australian real estate, we’re witnessing a tale of two markets, according to industry veteran John McGrath.

According to McGrath, the contrast is stark: thriving luxury suburbs versus a more cautious lower-end market, each responding differently to economic forces.

Steady growth at the top

McGrath, the Chief Executive of the real estate group bearing his name, told The Australian that despite economic turbulence, there is a remarkable resilience in property prices across most areas.

The high-end market, particularly in affluent suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne, is not just surviving; it’s thriving.

“The top end of the market is probably as strong as I’ve ever seen it,” McGrath remarks, reflecting on his four-decade career.

A boost for the lower market expected

McGrath anticipates a positive shift for the lower end of the housing market.

This segment has weathered the storm of the Reserve Bank’s unprecedented 13 consecutive rate hikes.

His expectation?

A reduction in interest rates could breathe new life into this sector.

A struggle at the starting line

Contrasting this, first and second-home buyers face a tougher reality according to McGrath.

The barrage of rate increases has dented both their affordability and confidence.


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