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Real Estate

New home demand soars amidst approval downturn

We know that we’re just not building enough homes despite soaring demand for more accommodation.

According to PropTrack’s  New Homes Report, December saw a 9.5% drop in total building approvals, a stark contrast to the modest 0.3% increase in November.

This decline was particularly pronounced in unit approvals, which plummeted by 25%, and to a lesser extent in house approvals, which edged down by just 0.5%.

This downtrend in approvals, evident since March 2021, poses a significant challenge, according to Karen Dellow, Senior Data Analyst at PropTrack.

She said we need a considerable uptick in these numbers if we aim to meet the ambitious goal set by federal, state, and territory governments: the construction of 1.2 million new homes by 2029.

In tandem with these lower approval rates, new project commencements have also retreated – down 9.7% for houses and 11.2% for units.

Shifting trends in property listings

However, it’s not all gloomy news in the new homes sector.

According to the report, a year-on-year increase in listings for new apartment and retirement developments on is injecting some optimism into the market.

Year On Year Percentage In New Development Listings

While overall new build listings have marginally decreased by 1%, apartment listings have grown by 7%, and retirement properties have surged by an impressive 43%.

The house and land segment has seen a slight decline of 4%, with varying regional trends.

New South Wales, Tasmania, and Queensland are experiencing robust growth, while Western Australia faces a substantial decrease, with South Australia and Victoria witnessing more modest declines.

Retirement property listings have particularly flourished in New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria, recording increases of 77%, 35%, and 27%, respectively, over the past year.

In Melbourne, there’s been an 18% increase in apartment listings, according to the report.

Similarly, Queensland and South Australia have also seen growth in this sector.

Ms Dellow notes that the bulk of these apartment developments are concentrated in high-density urban areas, especially in inner Melbourne and Sydney, with the Gold Coast trailing at 10%.

Largest Proportion Of Apartment Listings By Region


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