Curated for the Inquisitive Mind

Real Estate

Property Development Process Visualised

Property Development involves a wide range of activities and processes from purchasing land, building and developing high-rise apartment buildings and everything in between.

In order to be successful, you’ll need to educate yourself on property, the markets, economics, finance, town planning, the construction processes and the marketing of real estate projects.

Sound like a lot of work?

Well, it is.

But with well-educated decision-making, it’s a rewarding venture.

We’ve noticed an emerging trend among budding investors – they want an overview of the property development process.

They’re looking at getting into property development as a way of “manufacturing” capital growth and maximising their investment returns.

So we broke down our 19-Part Property Development Series into an easily-digestible seven-step graphic.

After you’ve understood the basics, have a read of our 19-part article series as well as our Team Series underneath.

Educating yourself on the rather complex and lengthy process of property development is a great starting point.

After all, you need to have an idea of your end game and the journey getting there before you can even begin searching for an appropriate property to purchase.

property development process


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