Curated for the Inquisitive Mind

Real Estate

Take action in spite of your fears

Here are some interesting facts…

The first car was invented in Germany in 1886 where there were no proper roads, no petrol stations, and it was against at the law.

But Karl Benz launched it anyway.

Amongst 50 of the greatest pieces of music ever created, six belong to Mozart, five are Beethoven’s, and three are Bach’s.

But in order to create those, Mozart wrote over 600 songs, Beethoven 650, and Bach over 1,000.

Thomas Edison had around 2,000 patents, yet only a handful we would recognise.

Albert Einstein published 248 scientific articles, but only a few got him recognised for his theory of relativity.

You don’t always win, but every time you lose, you get stronger

The issue is most people are scared to even try.

They’re waiting for the perfect moment to buy their next property or to take up that business opportunity.

No one likes approaching the bank for more money or stepping outside their comfort zone to start a business.

No one wants the door slammed in their face, or to see their efforts fail.

Rejection is very painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you don’t belong.

If you want to get to the next level start before you’re ready

No one is going to do it for you.

Your fear of looking stupid is making you look stupid.

Because the only thing worse than inaction is seeing someone dumber than you, less skilled than you, doing better than you.

Let’s be realistic… to get ahead in the real world you have to take action

So why is it that most people don’t take action?

Sometimes it is a lack of knowledge, but more frequently it comes down to the fear that stops people from living their dreams.

However successful people tend to act in spite of their fears.

They’ve learned to harness their fears and use them to their advantage.

You’ll often hear me say your thoughts lead to your feelings, which lead to your actions, which lead to your results.

Fact is, we all have plenty of good ideas.

We all have sufficient thoughts and feelings, but the problem is most people don’t take “action.”

And as I was suggesting, the culprit for most people is fear.

That is why to succeed in life you must take action in spite of your fears.

Some of the common fears I hear about when I mentor people in my Learn The Science of Becoming Wealthy Mentorship Program include:

  • The fear of debt
  • The fear of ridicule – you can’t do much about what other people say, but you can control how you react to it.
  • The fear of failure
  • The fear of success – Surprisingly this can be almost as paralysing as the fear of failure.
  • The fear of not being worthy – Many people fail to take action because they fear they don’t deserve wealth. This tends to stem from the “financial “programming” they received in childhood.


The key to success is not to let your fears scare you into inaction but to use them to prepare you for action.


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