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The critical role of comprehensive RNA sequencing in liquid biopsy for biomarker discovery and clinical trials

The advent of liquid biopsy, especially using targeted RNA sequencing from cell-free RNA in body fluids, is transforming cancer research. This minimally invasive approach significantly enhances cancer management at various stages, from early detection to therapy selection and disease monitoring. Incorporating this method into clinical trials and research has profound implications. It offers precise gene expression profiling, clonality assessment, fusion detection, and viral assessment for advancing biomarker discovery and trial design. It provides critical insights into the molecular intricacies of the disease, aiding in dose optimization, immune monitoring, and patient stratification, marking a leap toward precision medicine and improving clinical outcomes.

Dose Optimization

Targeted RNA sequencing from liquid biopsies enables real-time monitoring of tumor genetic alterations, facilitating dose optimization in a way that traditional methods cannot match. By assessing the dynamic changes in the tumor’s genetic profile, clinicians can adjust therapeutic dosages to maximize efficacy and minimize toxicity. For example, detecting specific mutations or gene expression patterns associated with drug resistance can prompt timely adjustments to treatment regimens, ensuring patients receive the most effective therapy at the optimal dose1.

Immune Response Monitoring

Researchers can identify biomarkers indicative of the immune system’s engagement with the tumor by analyzing cell-free RNA (cfRNA) and cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from liquid biopsies. This includes detecting immune evasion mechanisms and the effectiveness of immune checkpoint inhibitors. The real-time nature of this approach allows for the rapid identification of therapy resistance, enabling swift shifts to alternative treatments and enhancing the likelihood of successful outcomes2.

Exploring the Tumor Microenvironment

RNA-seq’s high throughput technique robustly characterizes the tumor immune microenvironment3. This understanding has crucial implications for guiding immunotherapy used in precision cancer treatment, highlighting the versatility of RNA-seq in exploring complex biological systems.

Identifying Rare and Novel Biomarkers

cfRNA and cfDNA’s sensitivity and specificity make it an excellent tool for uncovering low-abundance transcripts and novel biomarkers. This is critical for understanding rare cancers or molecular subsets of common cancers, as discussed by Simon and Roychowdhury. Their work illustrates how RNA-seq data, when integrated into clinical trials, can facilitate the discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets4, 5.

Facilitating Robust Clinical Trial Design

Integrating cfRNA and cfDNA data into clinical trial design ensures that trials are more targeted and hypothesis-driven. This approach is critical for successfully developing new drugs and therapeutic strategies. Hoelder et al. discuss the evolution of cancer drug discovery, emphasizing the significance of molecularly targeted trials facilitated by technologies like RNA-seq6.

The Solution – MenariniSearch

The ideal solution is the newly launched MenariniSearch for comprehensive cfRNA/cfDNA profiling in solid tumors and hematological malignancies. One test for dose optimization, immune response monitoring, exploring the tumor microenvironment, and identifying rare and novel biomarkers to facilitate your research and clinical trials.

For seamless access to multi-analyte liquid biopsy solutions, Menarini Silicon Biosystems offers “The Liquid Biopsy Hub.” This centralized model empowers biopharma, CROs, and academic researchers to integrate cfRNA, cfDNA, and circulating tumor cells (CTCs) analysis for precision oncology trials without the burden of in-house infrastructure development or complex vendor management. Get in touch with our scientists to discuss how we can help you enhance your clinical trials or research through creativity, innovation and experimentation.

MSB’s Pennsylvania-based lab is CLIA Certified and ISO 15189-accredited, with licenses from New York, California, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. MenariniSearch is offered in the U.S. only.




3Journal of Clinical Oncology 2023 41:16_suppl, 7060-7060


5Cancer Res (2023) 83 (7_Supplement): 967



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