Curated for the Inquisitive Mind

Real Estate

The Desire To Be Rich is a Good Thing

Is it bad to want to be rich?

Let me ask that question a different way.

Is it bad to want to be successful at your job or in your business?

If your knee-jerk reaction is to say, “Yes, it’s wrong to want to be rich,” what you’re really saying is it’s wrong to want to succeed in life.

You see, wealth is just a byproduct of success.

It’s one of the perks of being successful.

So, if you profess to hate the rich, your subconscious assumes you hate success since wealth comes from success.

When I asked the millionaires in my Rich Habits Study if they always wanted to be rich, 53% of the self-made millionaires said yes.

The desire to be rich was an important mindset for the majority of self-made millionaires.

It drove them to grow, learn, take calculated risks, forge good habits, and eliminate bad habits.

It forced them to dream, to reach, and to step outside their comfort zone.

The desire to become rich is not a bad thing.

It can motivate you to do extraordinary things you would not otherwise attempt to do.

Conversely, a disdain for money is almost certainly a financial death sentence.

A study conducted by Kansas State University found that those who had positive feelings about money were more likely to attain wealth and those who had negative feelings about money were more likely to become poor.

According to the study, most of our beliefs about money can be traced back to how we were raised.

Parents, the study said, were the source of many of our beliefs about money.


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