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The Habits of Unsuccessful People vs. Successful People [infographic]

Succeeding is hard: it requires a lot of work, strong will and a great deal of patience.

What Do Unsuccessful People Usually Do?

1. Disapprove of Change

The hallmark of unsuccessful people is that they reject any sort of change. They are forever looking for ways in which things can go wrong. In the process, they pass up opportunities to make their lives better. They do not entertain the idea that a little change may improve their current situation.

2. Judge People’s Responses 

Unsuccessful people are constantly trying to undermine others. Although they ask for other people’s opinions, they are judging those answers or ranking them. This does not help achieve a useful outcome because, in time, people will stop giving honest opinions as they are not valued. Instead of respecting the other person’s opinion, unsuccessful people will dismiss them.

3. Refuse to Apologize

Another commonly seen characteristic in unsuccessful people is the inability or refusal to apologize. Saying sorry may seem like a failure or a loss to them. They view life as a competition wherein they need to get ahead of others, by whatever means possible. They are poor losers who take defeat very badly. Their pride comes in the way of their living a normal and happy life.

4. Avoid Gratitude

Saying “thank you” is seen in a similar vein to saying sorry by unsuccessful people. Showing gratitude is considered to be a weakness. They feel that the world owes them something and that they deserve everything they get.


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