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The top 4 New Year money resolutions you should be making

As we move into 2024 — can you believe another year has passed so quickly — it’s a good time to sit back and look at how your money is working for you.

How have you gone with your finances last year?

Sure it was a strange year, but how are you doing financially?

Did you achieve the savings goals you set out to achieve?

What areas do you need to improve on?

This may sound like boring homework, but nothing stresses out people more than feeling like they have lost control of their money.

It’s a big source of arguments among couples, and placing your money in the ‘too hard basket’ will only add to your stresses.

In my experience, most money problems can be solved with some reflection on what needs to change, followed by a bit of planning.

Here are some resolutions I recommend adopting to set you up for the New Year:

1. I will not spend more than I earn

It sounds pretty basic, but a lot of people fall into this trap.

It’s not that they want to spend more, but they still find themselves shocked at the end of the month to discover a whopping great credit card debt.

Or they have no real concept of their monthly expenses so even if their discretionary expenditure is moderate their monthly bills are higher than they realise.

It’s one of the reasons I’m not a huge fan of direct debit payments.

They’re convenient, of course, but it’s so easy to lose track of what you’re spending.

2. I will prepare for surprises

If there’s one thing you can be sure of when it comes to your finances, it’s that there will be surprises.


Life will be going along as per usual and then, bam, the car dies or an unexpected bill comes in.

There’s only one way to stop you from being blindsided by these ‘surprises’ and it’s to treat them as routine.

Factor in a 10 per cent buffer in your earnings to pay for these out-of-the-blue expenses so they are no longer a shock.

Just make sure you don’t dip into that 10 per cent to pay for everyday expenses or splurges.

3. I will stop spending money on things I don’t love

I am a big fan of enjoying life, but I know that this means different things to different people.


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