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Top-10 Sugarcane Producing States in India 2024

India, renowned for its agricultural diversity, continues to dominate the global sugarcane production landscape. As of 2024, the country stands as one of the largest producers of sugarcane worldwide, with several states contributing significantly to its output. Let’s delve into the top 10 sugarcane-producing states in India for the year 2024.

Sugarcane Production in India

India, a key global sugarcane producer, sees Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka leading the charge. Uttar Pradesh consistently dominates, driving the nation’s output. Sugarcane, a staple of India’s kharif season, fuels vital sugar and ethanol industries, pivotal for the economy and rural employment. Amidst challenges like water scarcity and price fluctuations, government support through minimum support prices sustains cultivation. With its versatility and importance in multiple industries, sugarcane remains a linchpin of India’s agricultural landscape, despite ongoing hurdles.

Largest Sugarcane Producing State in India 2024

In 2024, Uttar Pradesh stands as India’s foremost sugarcane producer and a major food grain hub. Accounting for 19% of the nation’s food grain output as of 2014-15, agriculture dominates its economy. Sugarcane reigns as the primary commercial crop, while wheat takes precedence as the principal food crop. Notably, the southern region earns distinction as India’s Energy Capital. Uttar Pradesh’s agricultural prowess and diverse contributions underscore its pivotal role in shaping India’s agricultural landscape and economic development.

Top-10 Sugarcane Producing States in India 2024

Uttar Pradesh with the sugarcane production of 177.43 million tons, stands as the largest sugarcane producing state in India, followed by Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Here is the list of top-10 sugarcane producing states in India 2024:

Top-10 Sugarcane Producing States in India 2024
Rank States Sugarcane Production (in million tons)
1. Uttar Pradesh 177.43
2. Maharashtra 113.37
3. Karnataka 56.47
4. Tamil Nadu 14.53
5. Gujarat 17.44
6. Bihar 13.97
7. Haryana 8.75
8. Punjab 7.51
9. Andhra Pradesh 3.65
10. Uttarakhand 3.52


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