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What Is an M3U8 File? How to Open It

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Key Takeaways

  • M3U8 files are text-based playlist files that enable efficient multimedia streaming by indexing media segments and their playback order.
  • While M3U8 files do not contain audio or video data, they facilitate smooth playback across various devices and platforms.
  • Understanding how to open, use, and potentially edit M3U8 files can help you take full advantage of M3U8 files.

If you stream music or videos regularly, you’ve probably encountered M3U8 files. Although you probably didn’t notice these files hard at work, they are crucial for seamless streaming experiences. Here’s everything you need to know about M3U8 files.

What Are M3U8 Files Anyway?

M3U8 files are the Unicode version of M3U (MP3 URL) files. The “8” in M3U8 stands for UTF-8 encoding, the most common encoding standard for electronic communications.

Originally, Nullsoft Winamp designed M3U files for audio playlists. However, M3U and M3U8 files are now commonly used for streaming video and audio content, particularly in HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), which Apple developed.

An M3U8 file doesn’t contain actual media data; it isn’t the video or music. It’s a text file with instructions for media players. When you hit play on streaming services that use this file format, M3U8 files tell your device where to find and in what order to play specific media segments (often called “chunks” or “fragments”) that make up the complete stream.

Say you’re streaming music on SoundCloud in your Chrome browser. If you inspect the page using DevTools while streaming and navigate to the Network tab, you’ll find M3U8 files.

If you copy the Request URL, paste it into the search bar of a new tab in your browser, and hit Enter, you can download the corresponding M3U8 file. A Request URL is typically a very long alphanumeric string. For example, here’s what the text in the M3U8 file I got from the above Request URL looks like:

An M3U8 File displayed in Windows Notepad

Each entry in the M3U8 file captured above represents a media segment with a URL pointing to its location.

One advantage of M3U8 files is that they allow your media player to adjust the quality of the media you’re streaming based on your available network bandwidth. M3U8 files contain information about the bitrate options available for each segment, allowing your media player to switch as needed.

M3U8 files are the basis for HLS (HTTP Live Streaming), which is widely used for streaming video and audio and is now a popular format for adaptive streaming in general. These files are commonly used on online video platforms like YouTube, live-streaming services, and even some video games that stream content.

How to Open M3U8 Files

While you may occasionally come across M3U8 files, you rarely need to open or interact with them manually. Most modern media players, web browsers, and streaming applications are designed to handle M3U8 files automatically in the background.

Like in the example I shared earlier, there’s rarely any need for you to interact with the underlying M3U8 files while streaming music on SoundCloud. However, this is not to say that there’s no need to open M3U8 files. They can be a good way to organize online media or media on a specific device.

If you do need to open an M3U8 file, the process varies slightly across different devices and platforms. M3U8 files can reference either local file paths or streaming URLs. This distinction is crucial in determining how the file will behave across different devices.

File Paths for Local Media

When an M3U8 file references file paths on a specific device (your laptop, Android smartphone, iPhone, etc.), it’s essentially creating a shortcut to those files. This is fantastic for organizing media on your own device, but it won’t work on other devices since they have different file systems.

An M3U8 File containing local file paths displayed in windows Notepad

For example, if an M3U8 file contains paths like “C:MusicGermanTrack 01.mp4,” it will only work in a media player on the device where that specific file path exists. Attempting to open the same M3U8 file on another device will likely result in errors.

Streaming URLs for Universal Access

When an M3U8 file contains URLs pointing to media streams online, it will work on any device as long as the device can access the URLs and has compatible media players. For instance, an M3U8 file with a URL like… can be opened and played on any device with an internet connection and a compatible media player.

However, using streaming URLs requires a reliable internet connection for playback. Additionally, some popular streaming services (like Spotify or Apple Music) may not support M3U8 files, as they use their own proprietary playlist formats.

Something else to note is that the behavior of M3U8 files containing streaming URLS can be inconsistent across different devices, media players, and streaming services. This inconsistency could be due to codec support, licensing restrictions, or the streaming platform’s browser-specific technologies.

For instance, I tried opening an M3U8 file containing URLs for a YouTube video and a SoundCloud track on VLC on my Android phone and Windows laptop. I also attempted to open the file on my laptop using iTunes. Using VLC Player on my Windows laptop, the YouTube video initially refused to play; it even threw an error code. Then, it mysteriously started working after closing and reopening the app.

In contrast, the SoundCloud track played instantly. On my phone’s VLC Player app, the YouTube video played flawlessly every time, but the SoundCloud track required multiple refreshes and an agonizingly long loading time before playing. Meanwhile, the M3U8 file refused to play on iTunes.

The homepage of the iTunes Windows App displaying a playlist

These inconsistencies underline the complexities involved in media playback and streaming. Nevertheless, you should be able to play any M3U8 file—with local paths or streaming URLs—with no issues on VLC across all devices. Suppose your M3U8 file contains paths for local media. You should be able to use iTunes (available for Windows and macOS), Kodi (available on most devices), and MPV (available on most devices) without any issues.

Download:VLC Media Player (Free) | iTunes (Free) | Kodi (Free) | MPV (Free)

Troubleshooting Common M3U8 File Issues

You may encounter issues like playback errors or incorrect file paths while opening M3U8 files. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  1. When opening M3U8 files with streaming links, use a stable data connection with sufficient bandwidth.
  2. Ensure you’re using the latest version of your preferred media player, like VLC.
  3. Double-check that the links listed within the file are correct. Be especially careful with local file paths or URLs containing special characters. If possible, always copy and paste the links or paths.

Remember, M3U8 files are simply playlists that point to actual media data. As a result, converting an M3U8 file to an MP3, MP4, or any other media file format isn’t possible. You must first locate or download the media files referenced by your M3U8 file. Then, you can use available media editing programs like FFmpeg or online file conversion tools to convert them to your desired file format.

Some online tools and software programs can help you locate and download the media files referenced in an M3U8 playlist, but they cannot directly convert the M3U8 file to a media format like MP3.

Editing M3U8 files

You can edit M3U8 files to add or remove media (segments), adjust bitrates, or modify playback options. You can use a text editor like Notepad to edit M3U8 files.

Most M3U8 files start with “#EXTM3U”. The “#EXTINF:” tag is optional, but it’s necessary for adding media length, artist name, song title, etc. Of course, you shouldn’t forget to include the actual media location: a local file path or streaming URL.

An M3U8 File displayed in Windows Notepad, showing distinct file configurations

M3U8 files are crucial for seamlessly streaming multimedia content across various devices and platforms. While they may seem super advanced, you can take advantage of all they offer by understanding them, how they work, and how to open or edit them.


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