Curated for the Inquisitive Mind

Real Estate

What is going on in the new housing space?

Key takeaways

Owner residents outnumber investors in new housing loans, indicating a preference for home ownership among individuals seeking new properties. Around 70% of investors opt for existing homes rather than new construction.

There is a notable trend where twice as many detached houses are built compared to attached dwellings in Australia, a gap that has been widening in recent years.

Townhouses are the primary choice for new attached dwelling construction, overshadowing mid and high-rise apartments, which have seen a decline in approvals over the past seven years.

The decline in larger apartment project approvals is attributed to rising construction costs, which present a significant barrier to new home building .

Melbourne aims to become the nation’s rental capital, while large-scale residential development in Sydney faces planning delays, and Brisbane grapples with union control over construction amid skills shortages.

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

So limited words this week.

I will let the charts and tables do the heavy lifting.

So, what is going on in the new housing space?

There is a snapshot.

Chart 1 and Table 1 show owner residents outnumber investors when it comes to new housing loans.

Australia Housing Credit Distribution

Australian Home Lending

Meanwhile, most investors – some 70% – buy an existing home, as seen in Chart 2. 

Australia Investor Housing Distribution

Chart 3 and Table 2 show there are twice as many detached houses built when compared to attached dwellings across Australia.

A trend which has been widening in recent years.

Australia Dwelling Approvals

Australian Dwelling Approvals

As seen in Chart 4 and Table 2, townhouses dominate new attached dwelling construction.

Mid and high-rise apartment approvals have nosedived over the past seven years.

Australia Attached Dwelling Approvals

The tailspin when it comes to larger apartment project approvals has a lot to do with construction costs, as seen in Chart 5 and Table 3.

Australia Dwelling Costs


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